by markus | Jun 10, 2022 | Art and culture, Festivity, Surroundings
Ferragosto is a public holiday celebrated on 15 August in Italy, in the Ticino area in Switzerland and San Marino. It coincides with the major Catholic feast of the Assumption of Mary. The day of mid-August is traditionally dedicated to outdoor trips with handsome...
by markus | May 15, 2022 | Art and culture, Surroundings
This Majestic fortress in the center of Perugia was commissioned in 1540, by Pope Paul III Farnese at the end of the “salt war”. The salt war took place in Perugia (1540). It was an insurrection against the Papal state at the time of Pope Paul III. At the end of the...
by markus | Apr 15, 2022 | Cooking and typical food, Festivity
Easter is a religious festivity celebrated in Umbria and in other Italian regions with many cultural traditions and typical plates. These dishes take origin from the religious meaning of the celebration such as the eating of lamb and eggs and others that have taken...
by administrator | Apr 5, 2022 | Cooking and typical food
La pianta che dà sollievo ai nostri sensi, che colora le nostre pietanze e ci vizia col suo profumo ed il suo sapore: lo Zafferano. Originario dell’Asia Minore, fu usato fin dall’antichità come tintura, cura farmacologica, cosmetico e nella gastronomia. Le...
by markus | Mar 8, 2022 | Festivity
The International Women’s Day sinks its roots in the first industrial societies among the end of ‘800 and the first years of ‘900 when women created the first movements against the job exploitation and with the intent to demand their right to vote. Unfortunately today...